Superman – Donelli’s Protection Racket, part 5. 400424

Joan, Beck and Collyer posing for a photo. Joan is wearing a black dress and holding a bouquet of flowers. Bud Collyer in a suit and tie.

Excerpted from a review located at:

Superman Radio Series – Story Reviews
1940: Donelli’s Protection Racket
Reviewed by: James Lantz
Found at:
Original Broadcast Dates: April 15, 1940-April 26, 1940

“Donelli’s Protection Racket”

Spike and Chip Donelli are heading back to Little Falls. Donelli says that he blocked the road to the burning cabin by chopping down a large tree and attaching explosives to it. Suddenly, their car gets a flat tire. While Spike fixes the wheel, Perry White, not knowing who Spike is, asks for directions to Little Falls. Donelli then says that he saw Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen in the car with Perry.

The trio from the Daily Planet stops at a gas station and asks the man there about Chip Donelli. They also ask if Lois Lane was with Donelli. Thinking Donelli is a friend of the men, he answers all of their questions affirmatively. Clark then says he’ll be going into the woods alone when the gas station attendant tells them of the fire at the cabin and of the tree that is blocking the road. Clark then tells Perry to take the car to find a phone and call the police. Jimmy is ordered to stay with the fuel station attendant in case Chip Donelli returns to the gas station. Should there be any trouble, the attendant should fire his gun into the air three times.

Superman then flies to where the tree is blocking the road. He removes the tree effortlessly despite the explosives wired to it. He then hears the gas station attendant’s gun being fired three times and the sound of a car horn. He is seen by Perry White after resuming his guise of Clark Kent. White asks if the explosion injured Clark or Jimmy. Clark says that Jimmy should be at the gas station, but the attendant said that Jimmy followed Clark into the woods. Perry and Clark are now searching the blazing forest for the young copy boy. The search for both Jimmy and Lois Lane proves to be unsuccessful even with the help of the fuel station attendant. The fire in the forest is spreading as Chip Donelli and Spike overhear the search party’s words about Jimmy and Lois. The gangster starts a back fire to stop the main blaze in hopes that Lois, Jimmy and the briefcase with evidence against Donelli will be destroyed by one or both of the two fires.

Meanwhile, Jimmy has found Lois, who has the aforementioned briefcase. Unfortunately, Lois has twisted her ankle and needs help walking. Young Jimmy helps Lois, but the smoke from the fire is extremly thick. At the same time, Superman is using a pine tree like a broom to help put out the fire. He then finds Lois and Jimmy. Not being able see because of smoke from the remaining fire, Jimmy and Lois believe Clark Kent is leading them out of the woods.