Lum and Abner – The Voice Predicts Disaster. 470317

Lum and Abner in a Publicity Photo. 5x6. In this black and white publicity photo, two men, Lum and Abner, are posing together in a studio. They are dressed in suits and ties, with Abner on the left wearing a hat and holding a cane, while Lum on the right has his hands in his pockets. They are smiling at the camera with a friendly and approachable demeanor, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. The photo has a vintage feel, reflecting the era in which they were popular radio personalities.

Squire and Lum talk about Abner and why he hired Cedric as his bodyguard. Are they any closer to figuring out who the Voice might be? What strange antics are Abner and Cedric up to as they move stealthily through town?

Though he’s in disguise, Abner isn’t fooling anybody. Abner has news from the grapevine that disaster is planned by the Voice. He also tells about how Cedric hasn’t left his side, even when Abner is at home.

The gents tell about how Lum lost the contract for the bus traffic to Luke Spears Lunchroom. When a thunderstorm kicks up, the thunder has Lum and Abner jumping as if it were gunshots. Will there be any threats from the Voice that come to be?

Abner is suspected by Squire to be the mysterious voice. The secret of why he has been seen skulking around with Cedric has been learned. But if Abner isn’t the voice, then who is?