Damen Runyon Theatre – Neat Strip. ep50, 491211

"Damon Runyon Theatre - Neat Strip Spectrogram" - A grayscale spectrogram of an old radio program episode from 1949. The title of the show, "Damon Runyon Theatre", is displayed at the top, with the episode number and title "Ep. 50 - Neat Strip" beneath it. The spectrogram displays the audio frequencies of the episode, with horizontal lines representing different frequencies and vertical lines indicating the volume and intensity of the sound. The spectrogram captures the audio patterns and fluctuations of the program, allowing for analysis and visualization of the episode's sound content.

Broadway is our host and narrator who fills us in on Mr Golden. The man is a burlesque hall owner who is approached by a young gal, determined on being in his show. He seems to be pining over a long ago dancing girl named Laura, and doesn’t believe there could be another as good as her.

The new girl gets her chance to prove herself. She’s a diamond in the rough, and in a few short weeks she makes good. Soon other clubs are making offers to Viola. Should she go to the fancy, high class club? Goldie is more than willing to do what he can for Viola, and be her protector no matter how she decides. When a younger man than Goldie enters the picture, love may be blooming soon.

When things get rough with the clientelle at the swanky club, Viola comes back to Goldie. In addition, there’s a problem with her new boyfriend. They think his mom would disapprove of what Viola does for a living. Somehow the old matriarch gets word on where to find Viola, so she can meet her future daughter in law. When mom shows up at the burlesque hall. Sparks are about to fly, but when Viola has a problem on stage, the sparks aren’t directed at Viola, but instead are the result of a long forgotten secret past.