Dragnet – Big Bindle. ep103, 510531

Narcotics Detail. A drug ring is operating, and it’s up to Joe Friday to bring it down.

Arriving at the felony section of the county jail, Joe and Ben sign in. Monte is transferred from cell to interview room, and tells about the stuff he had been on. Will he talk about where he had been trafficking the high grade heroine? Will his answers shed new light on the ring, or just confirm what cops already know?

In voiceover, Joe describes the investigation, and the information they just gleaned. The smooth running racket won’t be a push over to take down. Joe steps into position to go undercover. In voiceover, Joe fills in details of switching to his new identity, and posing as a long time drug trafficker from Phoenix.

Checking into the plaza hotel, Joe has his first brushes with the drug ring with the bellboy. In voiceover, Joe describes the patient wait before his next contact. Has the criminals taken the bait? In more voiceover, Joe tells how deeply he has been able to infiltrate the ring. The big night arrives, but danger is in store for Joe. A tip off comes that Joe is targeted to be killed, but will he be able to rely on Ben as a safety net? Cars converge in the thick fog. The deal goes down in the hail of flying fists and bullets. Who will end up as the last man standing?