Quiet Please – – I always marry Juliet. ep44, 480405

As a Shakespearean stage actor, Ernest Chapel presents the pretentious life of such a critter. He flexes his vocal exercises with as much flourish as possible, while in disdain over his casting call. What part has he held lately? And does his name still carry any recognition? Is there hope he can still pull off the role as Romeo, like he did in his early days?

Recounting his travels through the stage circuit through the Midwest, Ernest touts his glory days. We get a glimpse of some of the more mundane life of an actor on the stage, including jealous lovers. Matters of love on the road are settled by marriage… right? Especially when its a leap year, and the response to a proposal by the female persuasion can only be answered with a yes.

Why is all this coming out in a casting call? Ernest continues his history, and life with new bride on stage. Has he discovered the joys of true marital bliss? A modest domestic life, a simple meal, and his girl who only played her one role. Matters of love seem to have turned the tables, but has his Juliet met a fatal end? the casting call for destiny reveals a Shakespearean secret.