Bob Hope (Pepsodent) Marine Air Base Santa Barbra, with Gary Cooper. ep209, 440104

Bob “Broadcasting from the Marine Corps Air Base at Santa Barbara” Hope talks to the flyers about medals, torpedo planes, and going out with the Marines on dates. What kind of pinnup girl did he wind up with? Topics also touch on liquor shortages, then Jerry Kolonna tells his partying on New Years Eve.

Francis Langford sings, Shoo Shoo Baby. She jokes with Bob about her recent night clubbing. Speaking of chasing and being chased by men, Vera Veg shows up to have fun with the Marines. Vera also talks about watching the football game. Being leap year, she is holding out hope to get a man this year, but is Jerry Kolonna who she had in mind?

After touring overseas bases, Gary Cooper is on hand to joke with Bob about his experiences. Topics include lunching with generals, Bob’s international popularity, Australia, kangaroos, and more. Pinup girls, hula girls, and Marines in the South Pacific are among the jokes, as are cannibals, and the kind of show that Gary put on for the troops. He demonstrates by singing Pistol Packing Mama with a few modified lyrics.

As has been his recent custom for the past months, Bob gives a quick nod to the serious work the troops are doing.

Note: It’s a forgotten custom, and I don’t know why it was a thing, but leap year was set apart as the time when it was socially acceptable for ladies to propose to men. It seems to point as far back as St Patrick, and originated in Ireland to empower women in marrying who they wished.