Held captive with Perry White, Clark has to use other measures to get help. His captors don't realize the power of the experimental voice machine, and think Clark is nuts…
After being announced, Jack tries to tell about the big party he just threw. Phil and Mary complain about having bad dreams after eating Jack's party hot dogs. Listen in…
Falsely charged, and tossed in jail, Clark Kent easily breaksout as Superman. Perry White inadvertantly pins Clark's secret identity, but in the plans to stop a murder it goes unnoticed.…
Finding himself framed for the murder of Sydney Roebling, Clark only goes along with it to prevent another murder. A man named Benson is the target, and is currently held…
Hollywood celebrities are unter attack, as Jack opens with his monolog. To tease Brittain about a tax on movies, a movie goer from the UK is interviewed. Trudy Irwin is…
After using the voice machine in a new way, Clark has information he can use to help prevent a murder. A problem pops up when Clark is suddenly arrested. Perry…