Lum and Abner – Writing A Letter Of Apology To Squire. 350625.

Lum and Abner – Writing A Letter Of Apology To Squire. 350625. Horlicks: Medical and dental authorities recommend plenty of vitamins and minerals in the diet, and Horlicks is a prime sorce.

In Pine Ridge, Squire has had an accident in the Planetarium, Lum and Abner’s movie theater. They discuss the issue and worry over what will become of it. Avner thinks it’s just too convenient that Squire had his accident, right after they had to press charges for Squire’s fire hazard in his own movie theater. If you ask me, I think so too.

Abner has a suggestion to correct the problem of a dark theater. Lum has to deal with Abner’s confusion over a figure of speach. It leads to Abner thinking a horse was stolen.

Lum takes a phone call from the town doctor. He reports about Squire’s condition. As soon as he is well, Lum and Abner plan to go see him. The doc says there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, but Squire is carrying on as though he is. Lum and Abner decide to write him a letter to express their condolences, and that they feel responsible for his being hurt. Better watch out, and be careful how you word that letter.

Horlicks: It won’t prevent getting a cold, but it helps reduce the affects, and risk of getting one. .