Lum and Abner – Squire Goes To See A Lawyer. 350626.

Lum and Abner – Squire Goes To See A Lawyer. 350626. Horlicks: Ask for it at the drugstore, ore even at the soda counter.

Down in Pine Ridge Squire has suffered an accident in Lum’s movie house and is claiming to be suffering great pains. Lum talks to Grandpap about the doctor report where there has been nothing wrong found with Squire. Grandpap doesn’t care a lot for Squire, but feels sorry for his tragedy. They discuss Squire’s attitude, and wonder if he has changed his sneaky ways.

Cedric returns from an errand that has taken longer than Lum expected. The grocery store business is hopping, and Cedric is sent back out on a delivery. Abner pops in late too. He has been previewing the movie that is to be shown tonight.

The guys decide to phone Squire’s house to see how his health is doing. They talk to Squire’s wife and get a report of his agonies, and that he has gone to the county seat to see a lawyer.

Lum wonders, “What kind of trouble has Squire gotten into?” I think it might be some trouble that he’s planning for Lum and Abner. What about you?

horlicks: Are you planning a long day of motoring, or playing golf? Carry a few tablets around to satisfy those hunger cravings.

PS: Wow, what ever happened to this stuff? I gotta get me some. Bring back Horlicks!