You’re seeing this page because you:

  • Probably clicked a link that you don’t have membership privilege to see,
  • You’re not logged in right now. Log in, and try your link again.
  • You are just curious to learn about registering as a member.

Why Register?

honestly, you don’t need to register. you can listen to any of the shows here for free. you can subscribe to my RSS feed for free in your podcatcher of choice for free. want to leave a comment? it’s free. Want to send me an email? it’s free.

so what’s the real reason for registering? And why does it cost money?

Spammers get a kick out of clogging my database with fake and useless accounts. i don’t know why. i’ve probably deleted thousands of them, and it takes up way too much of my time.

therefore, register if you want, but if it means that much to you, you can pay me for it. the payment process puts you into a special user group to let me know you’re real. not a spammer.

  • i’m more inclined to approve your first comment, unlocking unlimited commenting for you.
  • You won’t be mistook for a spammer when i clean house, and delete accounts.
  • Even if you only contribute once, and your membership “expires”, you will still be in a special group that lets me know you’re a real person.

I don’t have any added incentive for a member only area. i tried that, but nobody was interested.

The registration form has a box to automatically sign you up[ for my weekly emailing. i don’t do that any more. the box is still there, but to join my newsletter, use the subscription form on the home page. its free, and powered by MailChimp. there’s an alternate list for getting daily alerts, as shows are posted.

The podcast has always been a labor of love. I’d do it for free… heck… I mostly have for over 10 years.

Downloads, or any other bonus content I might add here represents an attempt at giving back a little extra value for those who contribute in the form of cash donations, or ongoing member subscriptions.

Are things not developing as fast as you might wish? Cash contributions make for good incentive. Do your part, then spread the word to let all your friends, and fellow fans of classic radio know.

Get Registered

I know you won’t want to miss out of the ongoing happenings, or new bonuses each month, so go for it, and hit the button for either a monthly, or annual subscription.

Test Drive for $5

What? Not sure if you want a subscription, but you at least want to donate to the podcast? For a one time $5 contribution, here’s a way to become a member, and make a one time payment. You’ll get full access to any member pages for 1 month as a bonus.

  • After the month is up, you’re still a member, but some bonus content could be limited.
  • Donating at a later time, as often as you care to pop in, will unlock those rare, member only pages for another month.

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”Supporter / Donate once, and get a sample membership for 1 month.” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”5.00″ rp=”1″ rt=”M” rr=”BN” rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”default” output=”button” /]

Ongoing Subscriptions

Never miss a month of bonus content.

Get started for a $5 monthly subscription. Show your ongoing support for the site and podcast with a small monthly Contribution of $5. Paypal handles the monthly billing, and you can take full control of your payments by logging into your Paypal account to start, stop, or adjust payments.

  • Always have access to download folders, and bonus content each month.
  • Small, easy to afford monthly contribution helps inspire new content bonuses that all will benefit from.

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”Supporter / Get started for a $5 monthly subscription. Show your ongoing support for the site, and podcast with a small monthly Contribution of $5.” ps=”paypal” elc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”5.00″ rp=”1″ rt=”M” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”default” output=”button” /]

Save with Annual Subscription

[$50 per year] Save $10 on a full year of access to member areas of the site. Similar to the monthly plan, Paypal handles billing, and will automatically renew your subscription. Visit Paypal and log in to your profile to start, stop, or adjust payments if you need to.

  • Always have access to download folders, and bonus content each month.
  • Save money with a one time payment, and enjoy all the content bonuses for the whole year.

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”Supporter / Save money with a full year of access to the member pages.” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”50.00″ rp=”1″ rt=”Y” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”default” output=”button” /]

Remember: To adjust your payment plan to any other option, whether moving from monthly to yearly, or to stop payment, log in to your Paypal account. From there you should see the plans you subscribe to, and what Paypal bills you for, then make the change you like from there.

You’ll still have access on the site for the period you’ve paid for, but you won’t be billed further. Also, your membership won’t go entirely away. it just resorts to a free account, and becomes limited in access.

Cancel Payments

If logging into Paypal is too complicated, and sometimes it can be, use this button:

[s2Member-PayPal-Button cancel=”1″ image=”default” output=”anchor” /]

All payments will stop, and you’ll still have access for the time period covered by your latest payment. For example, If you paid for the month, you can still access member pages until the end of the month. You will be rolled back into a free account, and still be able to log in with limited access.

Discount Codes

Why offer discounts? I don’t think the prices I’m asking are unfair, or extravagant. If anything, I’m probably underselling myself.

However, if you feel otherwise just email me. I’m sure something could be worked out. Especially if you have skills that might contribute to the page, podcast, or bonus contemt.