After deadlocks in counting the ballots, we find ourselves back in time , and the date, February 17, 1801. Who will emerge the winner, and next president of the United…
War weary Dutch face the Spanish fleet as they besiege the city of Leyden. Their only hope is that their own fleet will return to rescue them from the Spanish…
The French and British armies face off. The commanding Generals meet at Hastings to discuss terms of battle. CBS reporters are on the scene to interview the participants, from top…
The battle for independence from England is being fought in the stateroom as delegates meet. CBS reporters are there to bring you descriptions of the environment, and political climate of…
A siege is in full affect, but today is the day where Montezuma will determine whether Mexico City will be saved or be overridden by the Aztecs. CBS reporters take…
It's a historic moment in the history of the Civil War when two iron clad ships face off. Tension runs high in the Naval war department. The Confederate iron clad,…
A tense and excited throng gather to see if the new government will be overthrown for a return to the previous one. Will the new Christian government win out over…
In ancient Rome, law forbids execution of any Roman citezen without a trial, and due process. Go back in time with CBS reporters and get all the details. A conspiracy…
The mood of the colonists is one of anger as CBS reporters visit early America. The Stamp Act was a symbol of all the oppression from Brittain that the colonists…
The Spartans face off against the Persians. The Greeks have the battlefield advantage, a narrow gap that the charging Persians have to get through before a victory can be hoped…