As Vic arrives home in high spirits, he finds uncle Fletcher talking with Sade. Fletcher isdown in the dumps. What grave and solemn matters are weighing heavy on Fletcher's mind?…
After a big bargain sale at Yamelton's, the only thing that Sade comes home with is an electric light bulb. She switches the topic to Russel's schoolwork, and memorizing definitions.…
Desperate for a little gaming stimulation, Vic draws Sade into a checker game. She seems on the defensive at Vic's patronizing way of reminding her of the basic rules of…
On a calm Summer day, Sade and Russel share some lazy conversation. Topics meander from Christmas to their sleeping neighbor, Mr Donahue. Vic arrives in a burst of energy with…
As Vic and Russel are in the middle of a tournament of playing Rummy, Sade enters with a dose of neighborhood gossip and wants to be dealt in on their…
As bedtime nears, Vic seems in a jovial and goofy mood. His conversatipon with Sade is interupted when Russel has news of a sleep over that he is to take…
A phenomenon of days gone by is the ritual of selling Christmas cards in the middle of Summer. Vic and Russel discuss Sade's exploits of her attempt at earning a…
It's late in the evening at the small house halfway up the next block when Vic comes home after a lodge meeting to find Rush still awake, and reading a…
The peaceful night at home is disturbed when Sade finds that she's missing money from her purse. She has gotten confused over what she spent today on her shopping trip…