Hashknife and his sidekick, Cedar, ride into town expecting to get a little rest. Instead, they find themselves in the middle of a dispute between a rancher and a homesteader.…
Jim Murdock was a strange man, and his number of friends were rapidly in decline. His entire life was for his general store, and his daughter Jessie. He was unconcerned…
Marvin Porter is a young city slicker who is new in town, and pops into the drugstore to give Chick Harper a hard time. Will Chick's buttons get pushed enough…
Bil and Jingles ride the trail and are surprised when the man they are following suddenly fires at them. Overtaking the young cowhand, they learn that he is a little…
In the small house halfway up the next block, Rush reads a passage from the latest 3rd Lt Stanley novel. Sade enters with plans to play 500 with the Stembottoms,…