As Captain Midnight took off to transport Senor Perada, he was being spied on. The spies have had their evil plans to overthrow Captain Midnight thwarted by secret mine tunnels…
Preparing to go out, Gildersleeve plans to give his rival, Dr Olsen, a run for his money with nurse Milford. Marjorie and Birdie stroke his ego to encourage him. At…
Gildersleeve opens with his nameless song to remind listeners that the Name the Song contest is coming to a close. Today Gildersleeve stops by nurse Milfords house on the way…
When a freight wagon has run away, Bill and Jingles setop the mule pulling it to rescue Cathy, and her dad, a couple old friends. Who is that character in…
Sonny Richards talks with her invalid fiancee. He demands to know why she has three strangers living in her house. Jack, Doc, and Reggie are acting as her bodyguards to…
Wellsir, in the house halfway up the next block we find Sade and Rush talking. Rush complains about his arch rival, Nicer Scot, and the plan to visit for two…
Damen Runyon was a well known newspaper writer who also wrote short stories. Many of his stories later became radio programs, and often were combined to make full length movies…
Adventures Of Macie - Next Stop Niagra Falls. 491215. (retro319). Featuring Ann Southard as she recreates the same role you loved her in on the movie screen. Macie tells how…
Judy talks with dad, and her brother Randolph about writing a fan letter to her favorite movie star, Joseph Cotton. Nobody understands her. Once she leaves, Randolph gets on the…