A couple of gangsters enjoy a vacation to the great outdoors. It's the perfect time to bump off a rival thug. It's all about a charity event. Meanwhile Blackie, Mary,…
Blackie and Mary are hot on the heals of a thief when their car breaks down. Dropping Mary off at a gas station, Blackie commandeers a motorcycle,only to crash it…
When we last found Superman, he had just rescued Lois Lane, but Donelli has escaped and is running down the road. Chip Donelli talks with his henchmen, Spike as they…
Devoted to fight for the weak and needy. When we last left Superman, he had taken on the challenge of being a one man army against the racketeers who are…
Or Microfilm in the Fish Tank. George is a tailor, and the victim of extortion. He goes to his customer, Barry Craig for help. The private eye recommends taking it…
A gang of thugs have had enough of Boston Blackie, and decide to pull out their secret weapon to use against him. The not so bright crooks on the street…
An extortionist is causing problems for a downtown parking garage owner. Though many customers are being driven away to prevent damage to their cars, others like Brit Reed refuse to…
Down on the waterfront a mobster runs the dock, and people who don't have his approval end up dead. Blackie had been planning a cruise, but as Farraday sees him…