Dinah opens with, Let's Get Lost. Eddie and Hary Vonzel deliver the sponsor message. Eddie is throwing a big party, and the Mad Russian acts as his waiter. George and…
Lum and Abner - Everyone Interested In High Society. 350723. Horlicks: A refreshing drink for all meals and occasions. Find it in your local druggist shop in natural or chocolate…
Our Miss Brooks - Old Clothes For Party. 490102. (retro297) Connie Brooks talks about her let down over her New Years Eve celebrations. As she remembers, and goes into flashback,…
At Jack's house, Rochester and his friend Roy clean up after the big Christmas party. Their talk turns towards dating and New Years Eave. They also discuss Jack's age. The…
Lum and Abner - Squire Returns From Chicago With The Check. 350522. Carlton Bricker reminds listeners to send for their photos of Lum and Abner before it's too late. Down…