Lum and Abner – Everyone Interested In High Society. 350723.

Lum and Abner – Everyone Interested In High Society. 350723. Horlicks: A refreshing drink for all meals and occasions. Find it in your local druggist shop in natural or chocolate flavors.

Down in Pine Ridge everybody is going crazy with buying Lum and Squires stock in the Arizona silver mine. All but Abner Peabody, and Dick Huttleston. They talk about the culture craze that’s sweeping town, and Dr Willoby, who is a music teacher that Squire brought in. Everybody is so crazy about it, all except for Abner and Dick, are skeptical of it.

Everybody in town, including Abner’s wife Lizabeth wants stock, and expects to be raking in the big bucks before too long. People are quitting jobs, and closing up shop as they dream big, and anticipate the high society life.

Abner gets a call from widow Simpson to tell him about her high society party she’s putting on tonight. The two store owners, Abner and Dick talk about the wierd orders for fancy food that they’ve been getting lately.

Grandpappy Spears is all dressed up as he enters the store. He talks with Abner and Dick about his fancy duds. Next, Lum joins the fun to marvel at grandpaps new suit, and tries to sell Abner on some stock in the mine. Abner talks to Lizabeth, and she uses her feminine wiles to make Abner buy a few shares.

Horlicks: Having trouble sleeping at night? Overcome insomnia with a glass of Horlicks. You’ll sleep much more sound, and will feel your best.