Title: Father Barber Predicts the Worst. After a picnic, as an attempt at getting his son Andrew to like Roberta Evans a little better, and with litttle result, we find…
Title: Definite Progress in Family Relations. Hazel reads the letter from Pinky to her dad. The concensus is that the boy is homesick. Will the tough job at the lumber…
Title: Roberta Evans Begins to Sen se a Rival. At the breakfast table, Henry Barber takes a break from the action at the swimming pool, and is acting a little…
Title: Two Lost Barbers Begin to Find Happiness. Skip rides his motorcycle through the Sky Ranch to the annoyance of Henry Barber. Will Margret be on grandpa's side over the…
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By KeithJanuary 11, 2013Posted inDragnet
Joe Friday and partner Frank Smith are working the Juvenile Department. They respond to a report of petty theft from a school store room. The school principle suspects a student,…
Jimmy wallington teases Fred about being physically fit. The News of the week features Springtime. in New York. The parade of characters get poetic as topics also include views from…