Fibber McGee and Molly – Packing For Vacation: the Locked Suitcase. ep331, 420623

The McGee’s need to pack for vacation, but Fibber has locked the suitcase key inside it. The Old Timer pops in to offer the use of a dude ranch to relax on. The forgetful gent hasn’t had a vacation since… he never does say. Molly suggests that Fibber take the suitcase to a locksmith, but it ends up with a chat with Mirt the phone operator. Is she expecting to adopt a baby soon? Teeny visits, buts gets the suitcase confused with her favorite radio shows. Where will she be vacationing? Billy Mills plays a smooth dance tune.

Maybe Fibber can use some dynamite to blast the case open… or just tell about his cousin, and a blasting accident when they were kids. Abigail Uppington enters, glad to be taking a break from Fibbers vulgarities. Her big words make both Fibber and Molly think she’s complimenting them. Harlowe Wilcox pops in with the summer replacement, Meredith Willson, and a word from the sponsor. Not to mention pitching a magazine article that features the McGee’s.

John Nesbit, also part of the Summer replacement team and known for his animal films, pops in to have the McGee’s taalk about his movies. Meredith has a special favor… can he open their famous closet? The Kingsmen sing, The Blacksmith Song.

Mayor Latrivia doesn’t have plans to go anywhere, and tells the McGee’s about it when he arrives. Will there be a classic slow burn today? Nothing is going to get to the mayor today. Wallace Wimple visits to share why he’s so worn out. A wedding fiasco with his big old wife Sweetie Face caused a knock down drag out. Fibber may finnaly have a solution to his suitcasee problem… if the sponsor will go for it.