Jack is out in the hall, talking to Orson Wells. Phil describes the purpose, and we eavesdrop on the phone call to learn of the coaching session to improve Jack's…
Back in Hollywood after enjoying the winter sports in Yosemite, the cast teas Jack about his prowess on the slopes, and in doing it the hard way. Mary Livingstone, and…
When the guest star, Ray Milland, is given top billing in Don's announcement, Jack takes offense and pouts. Though Mary and Phil joke about the heavy drinking Ray Milland, he…
Rochester, Jack, and Mary drive downtown and talk about the films playing. Might Jack win an Oscar for his work in A Horn Blows at Midnight? Mary talks about Jack's…
In Jack's house, Rochester tries to interest Jack in attending the party for the Oscars. Will he just go to bed, or go with Mary to the movies? Phone calls…
The orchestra opens with, I Can't Give You Anything but Love. Jimmy Wallington continues as he jokes around with Fred Allen and Portland Hoffa. Jack Benny is the topic of…
Hosted by Harry "Bing" Crosby, who is congradulated for his win of the Academy Award. Bing sings, This Heart of Mine. Marilyn Maxwell flirts with Bing before she sings, Saturday…
The show starts in flashback mode, with Jack borrowing Ronald Coleman's Oscar. On the way home, Jack is held up by a robber. Back home, and the next morning, Jack…