Jack Benny – The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. ep366, 400317

Jack Benny and Carmichael 1939.

Jack is out in the hall, talking to Orson Wells. Phil describes the purpose, and we eavesdrop on the phone call to learn of the coaching session to improve Jack’s chances at winning an Oscar next year. Phil jokes about having his own show some day, and as Jack enters the studio, the cast teases him over his popularity with the average American.

Before Dennis can sing, Jack says that Mary is sick this week, and won’t make the show. Dennis Day sings, Phil McGruder’s Ball

The topic of coaching on his acting returns, and soon handlers for Orson Wells begin showing up. Jack wants the cast to be on their best behavior as the lessons on elocution, and voice are expected. Will Jack be ready for the great Orson Wells when he shows up? Orson takes care of personal business in rapid fire fashion, in between meeting the cast and the lessons.