Last episode we met the much talked about Diogenes Smith, and his $10k reward for the most honest man in the community. Mousey Gray talks to Lum about the contest…
There's a slight lull in the action in the little community of Pine Ridge. The emergency of Lum's recent legal troubles is past, and the next story line is yet…
The courtroom drama is about to begin. Lum calls the court into session, and faces the unusual instance of trying himself. Mousey Gray is called as a witness for Squire…
After several discouraging days of selling pencils and magazines, Lum is determined to get his partnership back with Abner. You know he's desperate when he feels that Squire Skimp as…
Abner tells grandpap about Lum resuming his promotion of Mousey, despite the success of the Lucky Loaf bread sales. Lum is the only one who knows the bread recipe, but…
After the failed fight between Mousey and Iron Ike, Lum turns from his short-lived career as boxing promoter to the bakery. He tells Abner about the new idea of putting…
Squire Skimp enters the Jot 'Em Down store, but finds only Cedric. Squire learns that Lum is trying to get Mousey to sign up to fight Iron Ike. Squire seems…