Actually an installment of Mystery Playhouse, and introduced by Peter Lorre. A couple attendants are bored with the lack of happenings in the morgue. The story unfolds as they talk…
Bernadine is back to replace Effie Perine as Sam's secretary. She has Sam singing the blues as he dictates his report on how a man was murdered with a buzz…
Title: The Prowler Dead Walk Again. Death has struck three times in the tiny resort town. Though the bodies get locked up, they have a way of prowling around. Captain…
Title: Four Go To Join the Prowling Dead. The terror of the walking dead in the sleepy little town has reached a climax. Captain Friday reviews the story of cousins…
After weird sightings of dead men walking, and snatching a woman, Some bodies remain in the morgue, another is amazing, and one shows signs that it had been the one…