Recently, Riley had been going through the monthly bills and was beset with troubles. Where might Riley cut corners? Where might he get extra cash to help out? He is…
After lunch in the Greasy Grotto, Riley has a fish bone stuck in his throat. The doc in the company infirmary finds something a little more serious, tonsil troubles. Chester…
Riley is stricken with fear, anxiously waiting his immenent death. A car back fires, but is mistaken for gunshots, and Riley swoons. What brought on this high suspense? Flashback to…
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By KeithNovember 19, 2014Posted inComedy
Riley sneaks a Thanksgiving turkey into the house. Junior catches him, and learns the secret of how the bird was bought. Peg knows something is going on, and thinks the…
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By KeithDecember 17, 2013Posted inComedy
After 18 years of marriage, Riley still likes to act like a wild, impetuous bachelor, or whatever main character of the latest movie he has just seen. The Riley's run…
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By KeithNovember 26, 2012Posted inComedy
Christmas Club accounts at the bank were, and still are, a good way to save money thhrough the year to have a little cushion for holiday spending. By putting a…
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By KeithNovember 26, 2012Posted inComedy
It's Saturday, and in the Riley home it's father and son day. A time when father and son can go and do something for those special moments of male bonding.…
Riley is upset when he thinks his daughter is insane. Instead, she is just in love. (Pretty close to the same symtoms isn't it?) He and a friend eavesdrop on…