Title: Enemy from Space Plot: In an attempt to start a nuclear war, alien beings kidnap the president and send back a double to take his place. Aware of the…
A friendly skeet shooting match pits the skills of Philo Vance against DA Markham. The challenge is interrupted only when Ellen, Philo's secretary, enters the shooting range with the next…
Audio is on the poor side, weak and tinny. Working the Robbery Detail, Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith are to meet with a witness about the thief they are…
A box of homemade recordings, bought at a consignment shop, may point to a murder. Are there any clues that Nick can go on to begin to unravel the mystery?…
After the last round of sabotage, Superman has had to put out a fire that was started at Happy land. Meanwhile, Lois Lane and Nancy Burdette are worried over Clark,…
An inventor, George Aldrin, has created a mechanical man, and Lamonte Cranston is in the audience to watch the demonstration. Henry the robot responds to mental commands from the inventor,…
Champion of the weak and oppressed. Lately Clark has learned of the threat to the life of governor Carson by the outlaw, Florres. Clark and Asa have been thrown into…