It's New Year's Eve, and there's a big dance planned in the community hall. Bill and Jingles get all cleaned up for the party. The festivity is disturbed when a…
The Blue Neckerchief Gang has been robbing banks and causing all manner of terror all over the land, but Bill and Jingles are closing in on them. Townsfolk of Angel…
Gold was what it took to lure men west, create boom towns, and create untold dangers. Investigating the seven men who have disappeared, Bill wants to set up his pal…
Jingles enjoys his ride across the plains in the seat of a stage coach. It's a nice change of pace for him, but Bill reminds him of the serious responsibility…
The counsil fires of the Pawnee indians burn high, as the tribe gets their war paint ready. Raiding parties are all set to steal cattle to feed the tribe, and…
Not all of Wild Bills adventures involved criminals and bandits. Jingle marvels at the speed of Bill's horse, Buckshot. As they ride into town, they see a poster announcing a…
Gold seemed to be everywhere in the Old West, and when Jingles and Bill attend a birthday party they step into a secret about gold. After the comotion at the…
During a blizzard, Bill hears the universal distress signal, three gunshots. Riding toward the signal, a wagon train is found. The guide for the wagon train has run off and…
There's trouble on the railroad lines, and wild Bill goes to investigate with his trusty deputy Jingles. As he investigates, he learns of the railroad man that was murdered just…