Chester complains as he and Matt ride the dusty trail to bring a criminal named Hobb to justice. Also on the trail is a cavalry unit out looking for an…
Molly twists her ankle, and Fibber overacts to the point of acting like she is in the most delicate of injuries. Lena the maid offers some first aid advice, but…
With some free time on his schedule, Doc visits the site of a bridge construction. Fortunately, doc is on hand when a worker falls from the bridge, and into the…
On a cold winter night, Matt and Chester ride the range, and encounter an old gent who has been stranded, and threatens Matt. Until he discovers who the lawman is.…
As Rush tries to relate a story about his friends, Sade announces the Corkel's will stop by to borrow a cup of sugar. Such a normal event for neighbors to…
Still on their cruise around the world on a wooden clipper ship, the Sara Ann, Clark and Jimmy face new dangers. Superman has just rescued the battered ship from the…
Lum and Abner - Lum Explains The Whole Case To A Lawyer. 350703. Horlicks: Every nursing and expectant mother should know the qualities of Horlicks. Recommended by doctors. Now let's…
Lum and Abner - Letter Will Become Incriminating Evidence. 350628Horlicks: Carlton Bricker reads a telegram to share a testimonial from a road traveller, that tells how it has kept him…
Lum and Abner - Lum And Abner Receive Notice Of Lawsuit. 350627. Horlicks: If you're feeling tired and drowsy, don't blame it on your work. It could be that you…
Carlton Brickert reports that the flashlight factory is swamped, but all who write in for one will get one. At the close of the last visit to Pine Ridge, Lum…