After an accident with a fishing rod, Fibber has to repair a broken window. Fortunately, he has plenty of extra window panes on hand, I'm sure he's going to need…
As the McGee's discuss the name of a good architect, Wallace Wimple visits. Who designed his house? He has a special room to keep his bird books in. Why does…
Fibber and Molly talk about their outdoor adventures in Alaska. Hunting, fishing, encounters with bears, who could ask for more? Mrs. Upington pops in for a visit, and to swap…
Harlowe Wilcox joins Fibber and Molly, as they travel to the headquarters of the sponsor. Arriving by cab, they talk about the building, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Mayor Latrivia…
Molly gets worried after Fibber tells her about his urge to fix something. Teeny brings over a broken cuckoo clock, and it's just the thing to meet fibbers challenge. Billy…
As the McGee's go to the Wistful Vista department store, Rico Marcceli plays a little travelling music to open the show. Pushing through the crowds, Fibber flirts with pretty passersby…
Word comes that a happy go lucky friend of Molly's is coming to town. Though Fibber would rather not meet her, Molly flatters him by wanting to show him off…
The old Retrobots give a brief history of Fibber and Molly, before launching us back in time for thisearly treat. Audio is slightly staticky, but is overall in good shape.…