Narrated by teen idol, Roddy McDowel. A tale of an orphan boy who can't speak. Always the object of abuse, and known only as A.U. (short for Hey You!) to…
Shotgun is a man who is looking for Dancing Dan, and thinks that Broadway might know how to find him. Not wanting to rock the boat, and to preserve his…
Don wants to reenact the events that took place at Jack's birthday party in his house earlier in the week. We join Mary Livingstone and Mr Billingsley enjoying dinner with…
Carrying a load of packages to the door, Gildersleeve can't get inside without the help of Birdie. The two of them figure where the best hiding place might be. Leroy…
Henry wants to give his girlfriend Kathleen something special for her birthday, but his mother thinks the expensive jewelry he has in mind will carry a message. While she is…
Many men are inclined to forget their wife's birthday, but not Phil. He and Frankie are out shopping for something special for Alice. Phil suggests that Frankie get her a…
In the home of Archie Andrews, dad enjoys reading the paper, and shares some of the top stories with mom. Except for one. It seems an old flame of his…
Twas the day after Christmas, and George marvels at the expensive gift he recieved from his friend, Eddie Cantor. Who could have sent George the toy erector set? Was it…
When Jim Anderson arrives at home, he learns his wife is missing, And the girls are busy upstairs. Meanwhile Bud has good news about the chores that he has done…