Todays recipe for happiness is about reaching out to others, and breaking down barriers. Stand by for a special recipe that Mary will share after the drama. A young married…
A dispute over a baby picture of his girlfriend, Helen, is interrupted by a little woman who needs the help of Richard Diamond. She tells about a problem when her…
Audio quality is good, but not as high resolution as others in the series. Aunt jessie phones philip for help for her problem. A proud man wants to win her…
Life is full of unsolved mysteries, but one of the most pressing is why the Elks club would make Fibber their Financial Secretary. He writes a speach to deliver at…
Abner is back after his bout of laryngitis, but you can tell his voice is a little froggy sounding. Squire Skimp departs, and Lum talks to Abner about picking up…
We find Lum on the phone, in search of a much needed icebox for his restaurant. Doc Ben Withers has been listening, and might have a connection for Lum. Ben…
The Gooks are about to retire for the evening when lo and behold, Uncle Fletcher stops by. It seems the kind-hearted Uncle of Sade has taken it upon himself to…
The pie contest draws near, and ladies in town are trying to butter up Lum. The disgusting behavior is enough to put Lum off on women. He's just glad to…
Doc Gamble visits to tease and to be teased. He's a tired, and busy man, who tells about ants in his house. Molly feels they ought to do something for…