Lum and Abner – Phone Call to Get an Icebox. 461121

Lum and Abner in a Publicity Photo. 5x6. In this black and white publicity photo, two men, Lum and Abner, are posing together in a studio. They are dressed in suits and ties, with Abner on the left wearing a hat and holding a cane, while Lum on the right has his hands in his pockets. They are smiling at the camera with a friendly and approachable demeanor, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. The photo has a vintage feel, reflecting the era in which they were popular radio personalities.

We find Lum on the phone, in search of a much needed icebox for his restaurant. Doc Ben Withers has been listening, and might have a connection for Lum. Ben has trouble remembering how to ring the phone, but with Lums help he gets speeded along, if the talkative doc can quit with the personal chit chat with the operator.

Doc connects with his man, but has too much fun playing guessing games, while his pal Ernie shoots pool. Other friends make the rounds to the long distance phone call to get caught up on gossip. What about the icebox? Lum wants to know just that, and wonders at the cost of the long distance phone call.

The phone call is passed to Lum to talk to a total stranger. Will the deal for the fridge ever go through? Will the person with the fridge make it to the phone to close the deal? Will the absentminded Ben Withers remember why he’s calling?