In Summerfield, the recent snowfall has Leroy yearning to stay home from school so he can play in the snow. His job at faking an illness was so good that…
Gildy gets the house ready for Marjorie's Halloween dance party. Of course, as Birdie makes the tasty treats, he can't resist trying to sample a few. If Birdie will let…
Since his sister Hattie left town, Gildersleeve is rearing to get back to his usual routine. We find him bursting with energy in the Water Commissioner's office. He feels like…
When he arrives home from work, Gildy tells that his secretary is back. For those who didn't catch the previous few shows, she was fired over being late, but she…
Due to a recent mix up, Gildersleeve faces a breech of promise law suit. His troubles are temporarily pushed aside when Leroy enters crying, after being in a fight. Through…