Title:The Great Brain ('Jaques Futrell story') Plot:A high stakes gamble takes place when a certified genius wagers with a friend and a prison warden that he can free himself from…
Opening and closing credits are snipped. We find Doctor Danfield talking with his secretary Rusty Fairfax, when a student from one of Dan's classes interupts. Rusty's moment of jealousy is…
The Yellow Mask grows restless, and is ready to let Clark and his friends meet their fate in his booby trap. Can Clark talk sense to him? Will the Yellow…
The Yellow Mask, as well as our heros, await the arrival of the jewels, but little do they know about how the henchmen have stolen the jewels away for themselves.…
Homacide Detail. A well known business man is seen driving away from his home, but disappears. Step into the homacide departtment, and drop into the briefing vetween Ben Romero, Joe…
Waiting in jail, Lum has it pretty comfortable. Cedric pops in to have town marshal Abner let him deliver a cake to Lum. Abner sure hopes its a chocolate one,…
Is Blackie on the outs with his gal Mary? Even Shorty seems to hold secrets from Mary. The break up has to do with some nasty racketeers who Blackie is…
As Casey and Ann fight the crowds, he spots a pickpocket at work. When reporting the incident to. The floorwawalker, Casey seems to get the brush off, but is Fingers…