The wintery weather finds the McGee's glad to spend the evening inside. It doesn't stop the stream of neighbors who seek shelter from the storm. George Spelvin comments on the…
Showing up in the office, gildersleeve is lured away when Judge Hooker offers to take him to lunch. Should he be doing that? Bessie has some important correspondence for her…
Looking in on the little community today, we find that Abner finally made it home, but Lum is in no mood to listen to the adventure. Lum is preoccupied with…
Wellsir, it's afternoon in the small house halfway up the next block. Vic is trying to catch up on work that he brought home from the office. Rush arrives to…
When he arrives home from work, Gildy tells that his secretary is back. For those who didn't catch the previous few shows, she was fired over being late, but she…
Abner shares the latest happenings with his poppa. He loves to read from the almanac, and Abner wants Lum to humor him, and listen to Phinus read. Today, he's bringing…
Concerned over open fraternization between the faculty, Mr Conklin has forbid Connie Brooks from getting too close to Mr Boynton during working hours. At the breakfast table though, Connie is…
Sade busies herself in house work, but is held back by Russell, and his lack of interest in dusting. Vic enters with more distractions He's excited to share that the…
Normally the driving force for writing letters to relatives and friends, Sade experiences a spell of writers block. Vic sympathizes, but is encouraging as he listens to some of Sade's…