LUM AND ABNER – New Teacher ArrivesInPineRidge. 441030

Looking in on the little community today, we find that Abner finally made it home, but Lum is in no mood to listen to the adventure. Lum is preoccupied with phoning the schoolhouse every little bit to check in on Miss Platt. The interruptions to her first day teaching are a bit extreme in Abner’s eyes.

Strange things can happen sometimes, but checking to see if the blackboards are still working? Abner still tries to squeeze in details about his travels, and suspicions that his pockets were picked. Lum can’t be distracted from his consistent phoning to check kon the new tdeacher.

Cedric enters to report on his first dday of school, and being released early. Seems the interruptions oof phone calls meant no teaching could happen. He also has a package for Abner that answers some questions for him.