The exciting story of a flower that was plucked from the hand of death. Mr Sloan is found murdered when Wally finds Natalie running out of the room. As the…
On the way home from the Bijou, Vic talks to Russell about the movie they just saw. Why can't they make movies like they used to? You know, before these…
A brand new sponsor, a brand new cast, and a brand new show for Bob Hope. Bob jokes about his relatives, the American Legion, women's upswept hair-dos, Hoop skirts, and…
Or: Edward Burgess Found Shot to Death. It doesn't take long after the platoon of patrolmen are turned out, that Captain Canelli gets word of a dead body has been…
After a bank robbery, Sy has passed out when blood was spotted on the floor. Elmer revives him, and the two show off their new status as coorespondence school detectives…
Humphrey Bogart reprises his role as the hard boiled private investigator, Sam Spade. After his partner is murdered, Sam sets out to find out what happened. With his secretary, Effie…
No trace of Lizabeth and little Pearl have been found yet, and Abner is growing tired of his bachelorhood. Mousey enters with a report on his detective activities. What trivial…
The Misadventures of Si and Elmer. Episode 1 Silas Perkins and Elmer Peabody eagerly await the arrival of their diploma from the correspondence school. The old timers take time from…
The Wistful Vista Fire Department has just ended their clothing drive, and the winner of the drive for bringing the most clothes gets a free ride through town on the…