Having just spent the Summer away on a USO tour to Africa, flashback to the moment when Don and Mary meet Jack at the airport. With all that brutal touring,…
Rochester drives Jack to pick up the cast members. Mary scoffs at the 1929 Maxwell, joking the horse may be making a comeback. Phil is teased about his spontaneous sounding…
Don welcomes Jack with a birthday greeting, which sets the tone for the rest of the show. Jack admits to finally reaching 40. Even the audience has a birthday greeting…
Jack talks to Rochester as they ride downtown for some Christmas shopping. What was Christmas like when Jack was a boy? Mary joins Jack in the store. Jack goes to…
Mary talks with Jack about being at the Navy base as they drive to their destination. Remember that Jack's Maxwell had previously been donated to the war effort. The car…
Jack and Mary fight through the Christmas shopping crowds. As Jack tries to think of something special to get his sister Florence, he encounters unruly sales clerks, and spies on…
At rehearsal Jack gets on the nerves of the cast as he complains over their poor performance on the previous show. Phil, Mary, and Dennis all get in their jokes…
With only 2 more shopping days till Christmas, Don introduces that fugitive from Gimbles basement. Responding with jokes about the vicious little old ladies out bargain hunting, Jack greets Mary.…