The opening scenes represent a set of ironic twists. Two lovers on a dark roadside, approached by a cop who is intent on breaking up the public love making session.…
It's a story that's been done before by other detective shows. Two starlets compete for a leading role, but only one will win it. A producer with decisions to make…
An old timer, and a friend of Casey approaches him about a spiritualist who claims that the old guys dead wife is trying to contact him from beyond the grave.…
The cops interview a character named Johnson about a murder. They suspect he's their man, but with Ann Williams and Casey on the scene the truth is sure to come…
The show opens to a scene of the murder of a judge. When Casey, and the cops investigate, the prime suspect is a criminal who has vowed revenge on those…
A wealthy man is upset over his daughter’s choice of a husband, and threatens to change his will. Bradford Randal phones his lawyer immediately to get the ball rolling on…
Accidents are plaguing the mine, and superstitions run rampant among the miners about a demon that haunts the mines. When the demon appears, it foretells the upcoming death of another…