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By KeithFebruary 21, 2014Posted inDragnet
Working the homacide detail, a report of the death of a 72 year old man comes in. Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith go to investigate the suspicious details surrounding…
After a hard day, Casey trudges into the Blue Note with his camera bag in tow. He meets up with a fellow photographer to compare notes on the business of…
The body of Victor Jerrolld is found, and his wife claims to have amnesia due to trauma, but before he even arrives, Dan fills in Miss Fairfax with the profiles…
A letter arrives from an old friend to ask for help, but Hoppy doesn't see how he can help his friend out in time. Suddenly, he realizes something fishy about…
The Black Museum is a warehouse of regular items that somehow became involved in murder. Orson Wells tells us how a simple canvass shopping bag won it's place there, as…
Examine a few of the artifacts, as Orson Wells points out how a simple sheath knife became involved in murder. Scotland Yard investigators are looking for a man with a…
Featuring Steven Dunn as Sam Spade. Sam recounts his latest case to his secretary, Effie, as he goes into flashback mode to relive it. With a sizable reward in store…
An urgent phone call from newspaper reporter, Lawery, comes in to Brit Reed about cracks forming in the dam at the resevoir. If the dam breaks, the valley could be…
As uncle Fletcher spouts out stories of odd characters that he knows to Vic, Rush comes home. Why is Vic acting as jumpy as a cat? Fletcher's rambling stories continue…
The headline stories of a big city newspaper, presented by chief reporter and editor, Steve Wilson. Lola is taken on a wild car ride, and recommended by her boyfriend to…