Title: The Unseen Watcher Plot: A gambler dreams up a desperate scheme to "off" his bookie in order to escape his huge debts. To fund his addiction, he kills his…
In a penthouse apartment, a district attorney and a woman sit talking together. The high-profile murder has all the newspaper reporters and legal types buzzing, and we learn the details…
A prize fighter could be involved with shady characters, and a payoff to take a dive. Which will win, his good sportsmanship, or the debt he owes and needs to…
A Woman has nowhere to turn, and needs George's help to keep from going to jail for murder. George and Clair Brooks come on the run, but learn that Gloria…
The job to investigate a warehouse of furs that caught on fire comes across Richard Rogue's path. For a hot tip, Rogue needs to pay a $1000 payment to the…
A couple of townsmen enter the sheriff's office to volunteer for a posse to investigate the death of a local man. As they set about to remove the body from…
An aged man was found dead, with a bashed in head, and a distraught young widow. Is Mrs Applebee telling the truth when she claims Tom was already dead when she found him? Her story is in conflict from her admission the night before, when she was drunk, and spoke freely to the police sergeant responding to the case.
In a visit to Scotland Yard's Black Museum, we find the items related to the close of a successful murder case. In voiceover and drama, we roll the clock back…