A couple of gangsters enjoy a vacation to the great outdoors. It's the perfect time to bump off a rival thug. It's all about a charity event. Meanwhile Blackie, Mary,…
The scene opens with three old gents looking for a farm that lays East of town. With a little help from a star, they get their bearings. Doc Miller has…
As Fibber repairs toys for needy children, Wallace Wimple visits. He has his bird book with him, but he's not happy with the publisher. Could he write a better bird…
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By KeithDecember 23, 2024Posted inWestern
Little Beaver hangs out with kids on the school playground, and he's soon on his way to meet up with his pal, Red Ryder. Meanwhile, Red talks with his friends…
Santa Claus is coming, and he's going to pay a visit to Nero Wolfe. Someone is out to kill Santa, at least the ones who stand on street corners, ringing…
On the way to a Christmas party, Nick and Scotty stop to collect Christmas contributions. Why doesn't old Mr. Rasper want to donate to help kids in need? Nick decides…
Robert Young, J Carol Nash, Meredith Wilson’s orchestra William wishes he was already grown-up. He is in need of a dollar to buy treats for his friends. He complains that…
As Andy carries Christmas packages in, Amos tucks his kids in for the night. Amos tells about his family plans for the evening, with Ruby taking food to poor families,…
Reading from Luke chapter 2, Orson Wells presents the story of the nativity. Carolers sing as Orson shares traditional features of the holiday. Mistletoe, kisses, holly, Christmas trees, Santa, chimneys,…
A charity racket is running in town, but it isn't what you might think. A racketeer approaches two little old ladies, with his ideas of extortion, and seperating them from…