Title: The Unseen Watcher Plot: A gambler dreams up a desperate scheme to "off" his bookie in order to escape his huge debts. To fund his addiction, he kills his…
As little Phyllus opens her birthday gifts, her uncle Willie gives her a more practical gift than the pony she wanted. Weather stripping. Should Phil get her the toy pony,…
Riley is stricken with fear, anxiously waiting his immenent death. A car back fires, but is mistaken for gunshots, and Riley swoons. What brought on this high suspense? Flashback to…
The world looked cheap with all the artificial Christmas trees, phony Santa's, and plastic reindeer. Then Marlowe meets Tommy, a newspaper boy who is down on his luck. The envelope…
Casey gets an early morning phone call from a friend. A body has been found in Steve's apartment, and a story of gambling debts emerge. The scene is set, and…