One of Doc Adam's long time patients, and an upstanding citezen shares a deep dark secret. Years ago he was a crook. The successful businessman once spent 3 years in…
Michael Shane meets up with a Cuban from Havana who has received a letter from his friend Julian. When he arrives in town, he learns that his friend has been…
The sunny morning in the park is only ruined when a body is found, and Casey is on hand with the cops to investigate the crime scene. Ann Williams helps…
Spending the day in town, California introduces Hoppy to a troupe of actors. Instead of giving out their autographs, the actors ask the world famous cowboy for his autograph. Speaking…
The headline stories of a big city newspaper, presented by chief reporter and editor, Steve Wilson. Lola is taken on a wild car ride, and recommended by her boyfriend to…
Larry is a rancher's son who is trapped into taking the blame for the murder of the Marshall. The rustlers who did the killing blackmail him into paying them off…
Has the day come when Superman's secret identity finally comes out? Clark Kent has had his Superman costume stolen, and the person who has it is sure to know Clark's…
The next day, Ralph Renson is urging Perry to fire Clark. Perry is about to do so until Clark convinces him that he knows who the Invisible Man is and…
It's now after four o'clock, and Lois and Clark are putting the finishing touches on their first article against District Attorney Parker. However, before the article is given to Perry,…