Title: Enemy from Space Plot: In an attempt to start a nuclear war, alien beings kidnap the president and send back a double to take his place. Aware of the…
A UFO is sighted, but is it aliens, or a military project? What are the fast moving, firey looking objects in the sky Townsfolk talk about the possibilities. Can it…
Join the trip to the far flung futuristic year of 1965! This science fiction adventure has a moral for society and culture of the age of technological advancement. This is…
A Classic story from Ray Bradbury. In the far flung futuristic year of 1985, kids play outdoors, just as on any typical day. Mom gets dinner ready and dad is…
A pilot of an experimental rocket is shot into space. All goes well, until communication is lost. Hours go past with no word from the missing pilot. If he is…
After an announcement of a radio tribute to the recently fallen acting great, Lionel Barrymore, the premiere episode of this popular Science Fiction show kicks off. In the far flung…
Stories of the future where you'll live in a thousand maybe worlds. At a doll shop near the Pentagon, a little girl and her mom do some window shopping. When…
In the far flung year of 1982 space travel has become commonplace. A series of spaceships have been mysteriously disappearing at a place in outer space. A military vessel is…
Previously, the crew spent time exploring the dome city of the aliens, Jet Morgan and his crew finally meet the aliens face to face. Lenny gets spooked and runs. Today,…