Dimension-X – Outer Limit. ep1, 500408

Booster rockets at the bottom of an Apollo, Saturn style rocket.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Join the trip to the far flung futuristic year of 1965! This science fiction adventure has a moral for society and culture of the age of technological advancement. This is the same script, but with different actors as X Minus One – The Outer Limit. ep25, 551116. Check it out, but here’s the show notes I wrote up when I posted that episode.

A pilot of an experimental rocket is shot into space. All goes well, until communication is lost. Hours go past with no word from the missing pilot. If he is still up there enough time has gone by to have used up all reserves of fuel and air.

Just when hope is given up, he returns to tell of his encounter with aliens, and what they want from us. The aliens warn that testing with atomic bombs need to be stopped, or else. As it turns out an important experiment involving exploding an atomic bomb is about to take place. Can the pilot convince his bosses to put a stop to the impending test? Has he lost all credibility with his story of aliens?

The test pilot is desperate, and literally hijacks his rocket ship, threatening to blow it up if he can’t have his way. It’s surely a desperate measure, but will he succeed in stopping the nuclear tests? The fate of the Earth hangs in the balance.