After deadlocks in counting the ballots, we find ourselves back in time , and the date, February 17, 1801. Who will emerge the winner, and next president of the United…
Episode 5 in this Carlton Morse series. The International escapades of Jack, Doc, and Reggie continues with the $100million Manhunt. Doc is still missing as Jack and Reggie get their…
A group of jailbirds plan a prison break. Once on the outside, they don't waste time getting back to work in their old ways. Blackie has a personal reason to…
A man writes with a problem that might be better suited for a psychiatrists couch than for George Valentine. Still, George is intrigued enough by finding out who Sylvia is…
A report of a robbery case is where Sam starts, as he dictates his report to his secretary. A wealthy family wants to keep their recent loss private, and out…
Discussing his evening out dancing, Effie seems a little jealous as she gives Sam the cold shoulder. Still, she dutifully takes pen in hand to take dictation on his latest…
It's the morning of the big game with Rutgers. As Frank, Bart, and Insa look at the trophy case, a young fan is thrilled to meet a football hero. even…
George nearly dies when tunnel construction is sabotaged. He is hired to look into a string of accidents on the tunnel construction. He notices a boat on the river that…