Candy Matson, former fashion model now earns her living chasing after the who done it mysteries as a private investigator. Today she receives threats to leave the case of the…
Come right over as the Librarian gets the book off the shelf. An intriguing story of a beautiful woman who was in love with death. Eavesdrop on a train as…
A pious, and self righteous man named Amos, confronts Peter to identify a host of sinners who have come to follow the Master. Won't all this riff raft bring down…
The librarian has the book waiting for you, so come right over. The very absorbing story of a corpse who wouldn't be bound by the rules. Barney is the son…
An intriguing story of the stocks of passion, and the bonds of death. After a tough day at work, a Manicurist and a barber talk about liveing a better lifestylle.…
An intriguing story about a method of dying. The busy police inspector, Schmidt has been having a rough day, when Cassidy reports even more work load when another inspector has…
The Riders of the Purple Sage sing a few bars, but after a musical interlude sing, Across the Alley from the Alamo. In the headquarters of the Texas Rangers, orders…
Or, The Prize Fighter. Jane and Irma are the best of friends, but there are times that test that friendship. One point of contention is money. Going over the budget,…
The upper crust families in town are getting together for a party. Though Mel would like to attend, he's too big a disgrace for Colby to invite him. Insults fly,…