After being charged for bribery, Lum is out on bail as he reviews thecourt case with Abner. Will the bribery incident hurt their case? Will Lum's mishap drag Abner down…
Confident over the coaching he gave Cedric, Squire talks with his lawyer to review their case. Grandpap and his lawyer begin to worry that Cedric's witness might be made to…
Squire talks with his lawyer about his star witness, Cedric. Will his dimwitted nature be a help, or a hindrance to the case? Questions that Cedric might be asked are…
After his stunt during his testimony, Abner is given a talking to from their lawyer about his mistake. Have Lum and Abner pushed the judge's frustration point to the limits…
Court is in session, and so far setbacks have ruled the day. As they wait, Abner talks to Lum about the admirable way Lizabeth can plow a field. Their lawyer,…
Court has been in session, and Abner shares with Lum that he doesn't think things are going their way. It seems everything they do only serves to get the judge…
When their lawyer visited, and wanted to see the pearl, Abner discovered it was missing from their hiding place. Where did it go? Who knew where it was hidden? Lum…
An important phone call is anticipated as Lum and Abner await word from a lawyer they want to hire. Will their man be able to handle the case against Grandpap…