Chester and Matt race down the wooden sidewalks of Dodge, in response to gunshots. Who was it that Sally was shooting at? The trail weary, and under fed gal isn't…
Crooks Are Where You Find Them 8/15/47
A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a hearty
'Hi-yo Silver!' The Lone Ranger!"The Lone Ranger series is presented
from 1st episode to it's completion as heard on Early Radio.
As the show opens, we find Matt and Doc riding casually through Dodge City. The rough town seems to be getting more refined, but when a Texas cowboy rides up,…
Hold onto your hats and gallop along with Guy Madison and Andy Devine as they present another wild Bill Hickock adventure. Our heroes end their ride across the plains when…
A couple of hardcases ride the trail in search of a partner of theirs who grabbed their stolen goods and ran off. Meanwhile, Cisco and Pancho ride into an ambush…
A dark horse is a person or thing that is an unknown element. In the old West town where Jingles and Wild Bill find themselves an election is in progress.…