The time has come for the town beauty contest, and emotions run high. Is Faith such an ugly duckling as she thinks? Will she stand a chance competing against Ella…
In the drugstore, Chick the soda jerk takes care of business, and arranges to rent a boat from Griff Miller. Faith pops in to flirt with Chick, but who does…
Doc Adams has come home for lunch, and is loving his wife's, lemon pie. Is he keeping a secret from his wife? It's nothing sinister, he just wants to plan…
Amos is under the pressures of a businessman, and complains to doc. If Max would pay his bill, it would relieve some of his financial woes. Can doc Adams help…
Doc Adams is distracted as his wife, Lou, tries to tell him about her plans with her women's club. At the office, Doc is in his element when he administers…
With some free time on his schedule, Doc visits the site of a bridge construction. Fortunately, doc is on hand when a worker falls from the bridge, and into the…
You are racing through the night on the Orient Express with a murderer on the train with you, and in a hotbed of political contention. In 1932, a man takes…
In the drugstore, Doc talks with Pete about lawyer, Ralph Bates, and his grumpy attitude. Jess enters with Chick to hear Pete's rant on his broken radio. Is there something…